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Bloom: Timeless Wisdom

How might wisdom from the greatest minds be used to navigate complex philosophical questions in an AI-run, fully automated world?


Bloom is a digital experience platform, giving you access to the greatest minds, dead or alive. With an inevitable intelligence explosion through the rapid development of AI and Automation, we face a purpose and meaning crisis that needs to be overcome.


Exposing ourselves to the present, past, and ancient writings, speeches, and philosophies of history’s greatest minds in a modern, augmented, and conversational approach, puts us in a welcoming and eager state of mind equipped to face life’s big challenges, no matter the era: it’s timeless wisdom.


Deep Growth Through Timeless Wisdom


Knowledge is Everywhere, Wisdom is Rare.


There is an undisputed advantage for the adoption of AI in all sorts of industries, enabling task automation, speed of execution, and proactive growth.


Although beneficial, there is an undeniable risk associated with exponential advancements: leaving too many people experiencing a purpose crisis, when algorithms are favoured for the sake of efficient progress.


As we are tasked with creating our future, now is the time to expose ourselves to deep philosophical questions that help us ethically and effectively grow as individuals, as societies, and ultimately, as a species.


Provide Accessible Timeless Wisdom for Everyone.


Bloom uses modern and cutting edge technologies to deliver the latest, the historic, and the ancient writings, speeches, and inspiring philosophies of the all-time greatest minds, through conversational and interactive format.

Emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning ensure those interactions are personalized, contextual, and relevant. Using this platform, one can ask deep, existential, or observational questions they have, and are greeted by several perspectives and philosophies coming from different great minds. A user's conversation patterns, followed figures, and interests determine the philosophies and wisdom that can help them in particular in that moment.


Elevated Inspiration and Deep Thinking, promoting Purpose Clarity and a Heightened Life Outlook.


Imagine having a conversation with the likes of Steve Jobs, Stephen Hawking, Mahatma Ghandi, or Leonardo da Vinci. What could you become if granted this opportunity? So much wisdom brought us to where we are today, but remains mostly untapped at the individual level. The impact of being exposed and inspired by those great minds has a profound effect on our growth.


By understanding people's drives and motivations, Bloom can also contribute to improved ethics through tangible evidence on concerns and ideals we hold as humans.

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