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Hi there, I'm Sam, UX Designer.
I can't wait to help create the future!

As an industrial designer with experience in UI design, UX design, and research, I leverage emerging technologies, cultural practices, business trends, and the latest scientific advancements in my projects.

Applying a Human-Centred approach to my designs means using empathy, creativity, and problem solving. Growing up, I was molded by distinct cultures of unique values and ethics, in several countries.

Scroll down for my highlight projects

My Projects

My Projects
Hero image

Privy helps users learn about the many ways that their data is collected and used. Users can see a personalized summary of their shared data, in order to take the actions they deem appropriate for themselves.


Product Design


FrontLine helps nurses log important patient incidents with an Apple Watch, helping them better communicate with other nurses, while streamlining their very busy workflow.


Product Design


BeeLeaf leverages 5G and Blockchain technologies to help environment conscious individuals make greener purchase decisions through cashback incentives.


Product Design

Campus Life

Campus Life helps connect new students with upper year mentors in order to strengthen OCAD University's student community. 

Campus Life

Product Design


This project involved researching trends revolving around food and the future of eating, summarized into a report for a client.

The Future of Eating



Bloom gives users access to a library of history's great minds, dead or alive, in order to achieve deep growth through timeless wisdom.


Product Design

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